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Museum Exhibition

Andreas Gursky at Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany


5 December 2020 – 5 April 2021

Andreas Gursky presents a solo exhibition at the Museum der bildenden Künste in Leipzig, Germany. A highly personal retrospective which features over 80 works selected by Gursky himself, it includes some of the artist's most iconic photographs along with new works never previously exhibited.

Gursky's work visualises contemporary reality in all its layered complexity. Penetrating and consistently subjective, it touches on pressing social and environmental issues, exposing aspects of modern behaviour and the effects of our ‘globalised’ world. His subject matter is wide ranging, from empty landscapes, sites of work and leisure, major sporting or entertainment events, to financial systems, sites of commerce or corporate architecture. Gurksy’s interest in abstract images results in frequently monumental works that can appear disquietingly empty and full at the same time.

Born in Leipzig, this is the first large-scale exhibition of Gursky’s works in the city of his birth.

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