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Museum Exhibition

Antony Gormley at National Gallery Singapore


6 August 2021 – 30 October 2022

Antony Gormley’s sculptural installations are currently on display at the Ng Teng Fong Roof Garden Gallery of the National Gallery Singapore. A new site-specific installation Horizon Field Singapore (2021) invites visitors to walk through a vast matrix of aluminium rings, provoking questions about how we relate to our environment. Three additional sculptures provide a wider context for this new commission: Sense (1991), Close V (1998) and Ferment (2001) form a sequence of what the artist calls ‘acupuncture points’ within the architecture of the rooftop gallery.

Horizon Field Singapore...invites you to become aware of your more animal nature, to feel it’, states Gormley in the accompanying statement. ‘Walter Pater said that all art constantly aspires towards the condition of music – so it is something that exists outside of you, but also inside you, and in a way, possesses you. Horizon Field Singapore doesn’t have anything to show, it doesn't have anything to tell. It is an invitation to feel your own life through the context that it gives you.’

Through his extensive study of the human body, Gormley heightens our understanding of how we connect to nature and the cosmos. The fifth instalment in the Ng Teng Fong Roof Garden Commission series, this exhibition expands the artist’s approach to sculpture as a collaborative, ongoing dialogue between the artist, the object and the audience.

5 September 2024 - 5 January 2025 | Prague

2 May 2024 | The Morgan Library & Museum, New York

18 January 2024 | 6 Burlington Gardens, W1S 3ET Royal Academy of Arts, London

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