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Museum Exhibition

Antony Gormley 'Field for the British Isles' at Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art


24 July – 25 September 2021

Field for the British Isles (1993) by Antony Gormley opens on 24 July at Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, UK. Gormley's iconic installation, which won him the Turner Prize in 1994, features around 40,000 unique terracotta figures. On loan from the Arts Council Collection, UK, the forms – which are simply modelled, with holes for eyes – were made collaboratively with participants instructed by the artist and entirely fill the gallery space. Forming a 'field' or 'collective body' over which the visitor can only look but not enter, the installation questions and reverses the both viewer and viewed. 

5 September 2024 - 5 January 2025 | Prague

2 May 2024 | The Morgan Library & Museum, New York

18 January 2024 | 6 Burlington Gardens, W1S 3ET Royal Academy of Arts, London

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