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Museum Exhibition

Cerith Wyn Evans at GAMec, Bergamo


15 October 2021 – 13 February 2022

Cerith Wyn Evans features in the group exhibition Nothing is Lost. Art and Matter In Transformation, from 15 October at GAMec, Bergamo, Italy. The second part of the 'Trilogy of Matter' project, begun in October 2018, which involves artists, art historians, curators, philosophers and scientists, it aims to activate a debate between the development of scientific and aesthetic theories. Part of a cycle of three exhibitions, Art and Matter In Transformation presents a wide range of artists who have investigated the transformation of matter in their work. Reflecting on a world in endless transformation, the exhibition is organised around four sections – fire, earth, water and air – with works ranging from Dada and Surrealism, to recent production.

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