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Doris Salcedo

Lives and works in Bogotá
B. 1958

Doris Salcedo has described her work as ‘a topology of mourning’; in each of her sculptures, installations and public projects Salcedo bears witness to life that has become the casualty of a political agenda. As the artist attests, her practice is ‘[…] driven by the obsessive need to render visible the experiences of the most vulnerable and most anonymous victims of political violence. This viewpoint has confined my work into a fragile threshold, a threshold filled with impossible contradictions that will remain unsettled in each and every one of my pieces.’

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Doris Salcedo and Tim Marlow

Doris discusses the themes of her exhibition 'Palimpsesto' at Palacio de Cristal, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (2017 – 2018) with Tim Marlow.

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