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Press Release

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones joins White Cube


White Cube is pleased to announce representation of the New York-based artist Tunji Adeniyi-Jones.

His first exhibition with the gallery opens at White Cube Bermondsey from 19 November 2021 – January 2022.

Born and educated in the UK and now living and working in the USA, Adeniyi-Jones’s practice is inspired by the ancient history of West Africa and its attendant mythology, as well as his Yoruba heritage. His vibrant compositions are comprised of abstract backgrounds of lush, stylized foliage with sinewy bodies emerging and dissolving into tessellating shapes and interlocking swathes of colour.

Positioning his works within a specifically Nigerian cultural landscape, notably the post-Colonial writing of Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and Amos Tutuola, Adeniyi-Jones addresses the perception of the black body within Western painting – and in particular, its association with physicality – using the body as both narrative instrument and primary tool of communication.

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