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Eddie Peake at Haus der Kulturen der Welt


3 – 4 pm

22 June 2024


Eddie Peake will stage a new iteration of his naked football match at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), as part of ‘Ballet of the Masses–On Football and Catharsis’, a project focusing on the aesthetics and politics of football.

Receiving a new title at every location where it’s staged, Portent is the fourth iteration of this work, first staged in 2012 at the Royal Academy of Arts, London. The performance was later staged at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris in 2015 and as part of the Volcano Extravaganza, Naples, Italy in 2017.

‘Ballet of the Masses–On Football and Catharsis’ is funded by the EURO 2024 Football & Cultural Foundation and the German Federal Government.

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